Efektivní komunikace


The main topic of the course is managing difficult situations in communication. Everything takes place in the form of an interactive workshop, where we combine current scientific knowledge, model situations, simulation games and coaching facilitation techniques for transfer to a specific environment. We will take you straight into the action and you will also try everything you learn! In this way, you can improve your communication skills in a safe space and get the unexpected out of yourself. In addition, everything will be fun for you..

Course objective

Learn to communicate effectively in difficult situations.

The course is suitable for anyone who wants to embark on the journey of improving their communication skills in any field and level of life .

  • Vyberte si workshop nebo nám zadejte vlastní požadavky na individuální trénink
  • Využijte zkušeností a talentu našich psychologů a trenérů
  • Zdokonalte své měkké dovednosti


Introduction, course setting and expectations, entry mapping

We get to know each other, agree on setting the rules, and each of the participants defines their current level of effective communication and what they would like to take away from the course.

Pillars of effective communication

In order for communication to be effective, it must be: open, constructive and assertive. Using examples and exercises, we will explore and anchor all 3. Only on this foundation can we build other skills and techniques.

 Quality listening

Assumption is the first step to error. We will learn how to conduct a conversation in the role of the recipient of information so that the content of the message is neither distorted nor lost. 

Effective expression

We will learn a basic technique (4P) that meets the requirements of effective communication: it is open, constructive and assertive. Using these 4 steps will significantly increase your chances of success in everyday communication situations.

Other communication skills

The essence of negotiation (how to gain insight and aim for a truly high-quality agreement).
How to ask questions correctly and limit assumptions in communication.
Non-verbal communication in practice.
Constructive feedback - how to give feedback, how to receive feedback.
How to handle criticism and manipulation.

Looking back and feedback

We will summarize the key information, see if we have succeeded in fulfilling the purpose of the course and share feedback.




7 hours

Maximum 8

19 990 CZK  without VAT

The price includes coffee, tea, snacks and soft drinks.


A positive leader        Assertiveness       Presentation skills       Mindfulness